Sciatica Treatment
A lot of people just ignore their back pain and hoping that it will go away. Although, the pain does go away for most of the time, it also leaves the muscle around it to tense up and spasm. Hence, it is very likely for the pain to return when it was not treated. Some people also utilize painkiller and muscle relaxants to address back pain. What these drugs does is just to numb the pain at the source and not fix the cause of pain at the source. It is like fixing a broken pipe with tape and pray that it will hold up, rather than fixing the pipe.
Due to trauma or stress injury, strain and sprain is the most common cause of low back pain. Excessive force or repetitive activity causing the muscle and ligaments to stretch and tear, resulting in pain and stiffness of the lower back. Chiropractic adjustment remains to be the best treatment option to address this problem according to research by Mayo Clinic, a top medical hospital in US.
Sciatica is also another condition where the nerve along the buttocks to leg is impinged causing pain and numbness. Once identify the source of the pain, chiropractic adjustment can relieve the symptoms.
Schedule an Appointment
Most of our patients who sought help has major improvement. Seek help today if you feel pain with movement, couldn’t bend your back, feeling numbness or tingling sensation down your leg or simply couldn’t lie down.